Monday, July 22, 2002

"I became disillusioned by the delusions"

"I became disillusioned by the delusions" is a great statement made by John Nash (of A Beautiful Mind (backup link) fame, played by Russell Crow) when talking about how he apparently aged out of his schizophrenia. It's a powerful statement that I'd thought I share. Yes, I know schizophrenia is not curable, but there is a small number of people that seem to be able to age out of it. I haven't seen the movie about him yet, but did see a documentary about him where he was interviewed. He has a few quick, power statements. He seems able to sum up quite a lot in a very some number of words. Another great statement is how he likened dealing with his disease to "Putting your mind on a diet". In other news, this weekend ended up being pretty good. Spend some time with a friend in Monterey Friday night and spent Saturday with family in the Modesto area. This statement doesn't quite do this weekend justice, but I can't give every detail about thangs here. :)

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