Thursday, August 15, 2002

Funny, I'm writting about last weekend when this weekend is only a day away. lol

Last weekend, it was good. A friend of mine is heading out today on a 4 month tour with his band. So, last Friday, we had a party at his place to celebrate. Definitely a diverse mix of co-workers, college buddies and friend's friends. Later that night, we ended up at a beach and shot off some big fireworks. Got back around 4:00am. Next stop: Santa Cruz! Met up with some blogger buddies. Hey there Imelda for setting it up. Dave, Jillian and Marcie! Had fun down at the boardwalk, and I kicked ass at Laser Tag. Dang, this makes me wanna go Paintballing again soon. Maybe next month. A friend has a home business and goes to the Farmer's Market around this area to sell her goods. I ran across her at the Campbell market on Sunday, so after I got my shopping done, I helped out for awhile. After that, I just relaxed at home. Oops, no I didn't...well, kinda. I went to the movies to check out the new theater in the Pruneyard Sunday night. Saw The Bourne Identity The theater interested me because a friend and I looked over the sight for a possible business of our own before and I wanted to see what Camera Cinemas did with it. It turned out to be a nice place with a Willow Street Cafe (pizza) in side.

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