Friday, September 03, 2004

Week Report and BBQ at the Park

I'm hosting a BBQ at a park around the block from my place, this Sunday. I will claim our spot pretty early, and expect my friends to show up around 1:00pm.

Tonight, I'm going to hang out with Miriam. Maybe watch a DVD.

Yesterday, I was really missing my g/f, so I called her up and asked her to come over. Maybe it's a booty call, but hey, she's entitled. lol I love that girl.

My friend Jane is feeling down and isn't eating that well right now. She gets like that from time to time, so I dragged her out to Jamba Juice Weds afternoon after work. For some odd reason, she doesn't count Jamba Juice as eating. Loop-holes are great! :) Anyways, after I made sure she drank her juice, I sent her on her way. Eat, Damnit!

Ronie is getting married. I got to hear all about it on the phone yesterday afternoon. Mind you, the wedding is in 2006 or something like that. :) Anyways, she's hoping to narrow down the guess list to 200 invites (like 500 people). Ouch. That reminds me, I gots to sent her updated contact info for Miriam. Laterz

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