Tuesday, October 01, 2002

Yeah, it's been awhile...

I don't have a computer at home anymore...last one died, so I've not had as many opportunities to log on to the internet and update my blog. So here I am. Updates? A few months ago, someone (chop shop) ripped my emblem off my car so now I finally got that fixed. There was layoffs at my work last week. That was a stressful week in general. I got a new toy...Handspring's Treo 300 with SprintPCS phone built in. This toy is more useful than I imagined, and I imagined it being pretty useful. :) I have been waiting for someone to make a combo phone/pda/wireless internet with a color touch screen for years now (literally), and now it's finally here. I love it. SprintPCS services haven't given me any problems. Some say their customer service sux, but I haven't encountered a need for to talk to them yet, so hoping! lol

On the Treo 300, I've loaded Word/Excel clones, games, SMS messaging (SprintPCS doesn't provide outgoing SMS by default so I found a third party software that does the job), programs, contacts from outlook 2000, etc.

So that's pretty much the story for now.

Ok, Sarah, consider yourself mentioned. LOL Just kidding. I hope the best for you and your new b/f. :)

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