Monday, May 05, 2003

Fun Filled Weekend

Well, I did my online grocery shopping. Forget to use my discount code. Oh well. Really funny is that I accidentally ordered 10 boxes of Kellogg's Frost Flakes. I mean, I love Kellogg's Frost Flakes, but 10 boxes? LOL Anyways, no big cuz the driver just took them back. Got a few items at Farmers Market, so I'll be doing some cooking this week. Prolly tonight.

Had a fun date Saturday evening. Good times. The date was at Scott's in San Jose. Good wine and food there. We ended up in Los Gatos. I don't know the name of the place though.

On Sunday evening, I hung out with Miriam. She's all telling me about this guy. With Miriam, had take out from Frankie, Johnnie and Luigi's mmm

I had a pleasant lunch-date with Chi last week. We both have had busy schedules, and lunch on Thursday was about the only time we could fit in to see each other. It was at this place in Sunnyvale that I always call The Tomato Place, it's call Tomatina's. The way thangs are right now, we prolly won't be able to meet up for another month or so. It's always been kinda like that, and I really don't expect it to change anytime soon.

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