Monday, June 23, 2003

Time Out

Friday night after work, a bunch of people from here at work ended up for happy hour at Rio Del Mar on Shoreline just off of 101. After enjoying some mighty strong margaritas and dinner, we headed down to 251 Castro and then Molly McGees next door. Had a great time. Had to take it easy on Sat to recover. :)

On Sunday, I went sailing with Brant, Tina and company. Both the Double Trouble and Spitfire were out, sailing over to San Francisco and back (from Oakland). The weather was great. No big waves in the bay. Lots of fun! I'm really glad I've gotten into sailing. I'm having a great time learning the ropes and going on great outings. I'd post some pics, sep there's enough of them online already at the Morphine Racing site (the Brant and Tina link above).

In other news, our company softball team hasn't played a really good game of softball for a couple of weeks. Two weeks ago, we where robbed of a good game when the entire ump staff walked off the job in the middle of the game. Last week, the other team didn't show up. That's ok, cuz I didn't show up either. LOL Hopefully this week we can get thangs rolling.

Also, here's another daily journey blog I found. You Are Not A Slave.

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