Saturday, March 25, 2023

Remote thought control

The following is a poem I asked Google Nest Bard to write.  Prompt was an 8 stanza poem about the virtues of remote thought control.  Though not the stature of Vogon poetry, it's not going to win any awards for quality.

Remote thought control, a virtue,
Can help you focus on the future.
It can help you stay calm and collected,
Even when you're feeling hectic.

Remote thought control, a power,
Can help you reach your goals.
It can help you make the right decisions,
Even when you're feeling indecisive.

Remote thought control, a gift,
Can help you live a better life.
It can help you be the best version of yourself,
Even when you're feeling stressed.

Remote thought control, a skill,
Can be learned and mastered.
It can be used for good or evil,
The choice is yours.

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