Thursday, September 28, 2023

New Patent issued


Linking views/states of 3d models and propagating updates in same
Japan Patent 7357715
Issued: Sept 28, 2023

Linking of 3D views within a 3D model, such as saved views and presentation states, into parent and child relationship. Automatically propagate changes to child views and their associated annotations when the orientation and other aspects of the parent view are changed, where the child views change to remain at the same relative orientation to the parent view, and where the annotations of a child view are modified so that their orientations are aligned with changes to the orientation of the associated child view.

[Normally, the US patent is first to be issued (ahead of international patents). However, in this case, the Japanese Patent Office worked faster than the USPTO; so it's the issuance of Japanese Patent that marks this achievement. I like the Japanese patent certificate.]

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