Thursday, October 07, 2004

California Propositions

My friend and I looked over the Propositions in detail. Here's what we come up with.

Prop 1A Protection of Local Government Revenues – (Me: NO; Dave: N/A) This is yet another budget constraining measure. These kinds of measures are a major cause of California’s yearly budget crisis.

Prop 59 Public Records, Open Meetings – (Me: NO; Dave: YES?) Open and public debate is a necessary part of government, but so is prudence. Dave feels the openness is more important. I feel certain situations require prudence, especially when dealing with court records and private matter.

Prop 60 Election Rights of Political Parties – (Me: NO; Dave: NO) This is a scam to attack Party rights! Bad! It attempts to undermine the primary process for Political Parties, allowing voting sabotage from opponents. This would essentially turn third parties in puppets of the two main parties. It would also create primary election wars between the two main parties.

Prop 60A Surplus Property – (Me: NO; Dave: NO) This is yet even another budget constraining measure. Again, these kind of measures are a major cause of California’s yearly budget crisis.

Prop 61 Children’s Hospital Projects. Grant Program – (Me: NO; Dave: YES?) This measure serves a great purpose (as the title suggests), but it’s using yet another Bond sale for funding. My opinion is that our State’s credit rating is already in the toilet. These kind of measures need to be held off until our State has a better credit record. Dave’s opinion is that this program is needed regardless.

Prop 62 Elections. Primaries – (Me: NO; Dave: NO) Even worse than Prop 60. This is a scam to open up primary partisan elections to any person of any party. It is an open attack on Party rights! This will allows sabotage of a party’s primary in the worse possible way. Very bad! Again, this would essentially turn third parties in puppets of the two main parties. And again, it would also create primary election wars between the two main parties.

Prop 63 Mental Health Services Expansion, Funding – (Me: NO?; Dave: YES?) This measure taxes anyone making more than $1 million per year to fund services for mental health needs. I might vote “NO” because is seems too Pie-In-The-Sky; and I’m not fond of an unnecessary tax. I’ll have to do more research.

Prop 64 Local Limit on Private Enforcement of Unfair Business Competition Laws – (Me: NO; Dave: NO) A scam to limit citizens’ rights to seek compensation for damages incurred by a legal entity. Very bad.

Prop 65
Local Government Funds, Revenues – (Me: NO; Dave: NO) This is yet more tinkering with budget constraints. ARG!

Prop 66 Limitation on “Three Strikes” Law – (Me; YES; Dave: YES) Right now, our prisons are unnecessarily filling up from the arbitrary application of the Three Strikes law by over zealous prosecutors. People are literally serving life sentences for petty crimes. Make room in our prisons for the serious offenders by ending the abuse of the Three Strikes law. Dave’s only concern with this proposition is that it requires review of current cases, which could be costly to the State. My view on this manner is that is our punishment for allowing abuses the law in the first place.

Prop 67 Emergency Medical Services – (Me: NO?; Dave: YES) This measure would provide additional (and needed) funding for EMS. I’m leaning against this measure because of the Telephone Surcharge it imposes.

Prop 68 Non-Tribal Commercial Gambling Expansion – (Me: NO; Dave: NO) A scam to that either taxes Indian Tribes 25% of their revenues OR allows non-tribal businesses to expand gaming operations. This measure is literally extortion of the Indian Tribes. It’s a ludicrous plan that shouldn’t have made it to the ballot. The Indian Tribes are already profit sharing with the State. We certainly don’t need non-tribal businesses running casinos all up and down the state! UPDATE: The backers of this prop have revoked support for it.

Prop 69 DNA Samples – (Me: NO; Dave: YES?) This measure will create a DNA database and allow for the collection of criminal’s DNA. Both Dave and I favor this. However, I think the measure goes too far by allowing the collection of DNA of some people who only arrested and have not been charged with a crime. Can you say, “BIG BROTHER?” I would favor a similar measure that doesn’t collect DNA upon arrest.

Prop 70 Tribal Gaming Compacts – (Me: NO; Dave: NO) Yet another scam. It allows Indian Tribes to expand gaming operations well beyond current limits in exchange for 25% revenue sharing. It would allow Indian Tribes to build Vegas style casinos all over California. Additional, as stated before, the Indian Tribes are already profit sharing.

Prop 71 Stem Cell Research – (Me: YES; Dave: YES) This is an important enough field of research to require public funding. The possible results from Stem Cell research are astronomical in terms of health and cures.

Prop 72 Health Care Coverage Requirements – (Me: NO?; Dave: YES) It’s about time we are addressing health care coverage. However, I’m not sure that this is the way to do it. I need to do more research on this one.

Monday, October 04, 2004

Time to look at my local ballot again; Nov 2004

I post my voting intentions, not to promote my opinions so much as to promote awareness of the issues and candidates in general. I realize that voting is a personal and private matter, and that many people are not so open about their choices. This posting will deal with the candidates. (I’m not going to get into School district voting.)

President John F. Kerry: The race for president is usually so over exposed that there really is no point for me to state why I make my choice.

U.S. Senator Barbara Boxer: This is prolly the most pro-Californian Senator I’ve ever seen. The U.S. Government takes California for granted. We need strong supporters in office who that aren’t drones of their respective party or political trends.

U.S. Representative District 14:
Anna G. Eshoo: Very successful and important incumbent. My vote will go here.
Chris Haugen: From what little I’ve seen of him, he appears too focused on party agenda and not very concerned about California itself.
Brian Holtz: Some of the Libertarian party stands are good, but many are bad. Brian appears to be promoting too many of the bad points.

State Senator; District 11: I don’t know much about this, but unfortunately I will likely vote for the democratic candidate in an effort to maintain the balance of power in Sacramento.

Member of the State Assembly; District 24: Ditto to my previous comment.

Superior Court Judge; County of Santa Clara; Office 7: I don’t like either candidate.
Griffin Bonini: He appears to be a bit too opinionated about how are system is supposed to work. He seems like too much of a Prosecution insider.
Enrique Colin: Doesn’t seem to have a strong enough platform.

I’m going to have a lot to say about the new Propositions. There’s a few scams that people are trying to pull in this election.

Friday, October 01, 2004

No happy hour

Welp, no happy hour with my friends this evening. It was cancelled when I wasn't paying attention, I guess. bummed.

Thursday, September 30, 2004

To the door dinging fuckhead

Dear Door Dinging Fuckhead,

You are an asshole. I don't care if you were drunk when you did it. I also don't care if it was your little brat of a child. I don't care if you were just having a bad day. I don't care if you are huge, and have to swing your door wide in order to get out of your car. Pay attention when you park and open your damn door.

If you got an SUV, don't park in a compact spot. You know what, don't even park in the parking lot. No spots are designed for your oversized death trap. Go park on the street!

If you got kids, then open the door for them (ever heard of Child Lock?).

If it's late at night, and you are toting around your drunkass friends, then park way the hell away from any other parked cars (again, ever heard of Child Lock? LOL). You better not be driving while drunk yourself!

If you're too fat to get out of your SUV and are toting around your 12 brats with your drunkass husband, then stay the fuck home. Never leave! Oh, and stop breeding too!

Truly yours in Christ,

P.S., I'm sorry I accidentally smashed up your car with my bat. I was just having a bad day because you dinged my car.


Monday, September 27, 2004

Its about time stylized films are getting made (Sky Captain)

Sky Captain and the World of Tomorrow is a thoroughly fun film. It’s seems many people willfully don’t understand it. This isn’t a movie were Luke Skywalker cries about Princess Leia’s broken nail. This is a stylized, plot driven, sci-fi action flick in the tradition of the 1930’s Flash Gordon serial films. Paltrow and Law performed nearly flawlessly in their roles. Their acting is wooden and one-dimensional because the characters they are playing are intentionally wooden and one-dimensional. It’s part of the style of the movie. It amazes me some people can’t handle a full length stylized movie, but love even more heavily stylized (and damn near pointless) music videos. Turn off your need to see Luke Skywalker learning about himself when you go see this movie. It’s not a character development movie. It’s a movie that is just fun, which is exactly what it is meant to be. Ok, I’m done with the rant. LOL
Sky Captain and the World of Tomorrow succeeds where the Star Wars Prequels fail. Sky Captain creates a whole world through concise story telling, and a clear use of visual and acting styles. Star Wars uses a similar approach, but not nearly so well because the stories a just too crowded and compressed; with way too many characters. However, I must credit Lucas with one thing. Without the Star Wars Prequels, Sky Captain prolly would not have been created. I hope this is the beginning of a new movie era were more stylized films are made. I wouldn’t want every movie to be heavy on style and short on character development. However, for some stories, style is more important than character, and I hope Hollywood can now make such films with that in mind. Sky Captain is one example of just one style. The are many other styles out there just waiting to be explored!

Friday busy day

The sail boat race on Friday evening was a disaster for our team, Spitfire. We got a late start, had bad positioning on the course, and our main competitor performed flawlessly. Spitfire was in the lead in the racing series, but because we performed so badly in this final race, we lost the lead in the series. Chalk up another 2nd place in yet another racing series. Yeah, I’m disappointed.

After showering and changing, I picked up my g/f around 9:00pm. Instead of going to the Cheesecake Factory, we went to a good Persian restaurant just down the street from her place. It was nice to have a relaxing diner in a quiet atmosphere.

After dinner, we met up with Jenn and Miriam in downtown San Jose at the Mission Ale House. Miriam picked the spot where we were supposed to meet up. So, while my g/f and I are waiting for her at the Mission Ale House, I get an apologetic call from her. Well, when she told me Mission Ale House, she actually meant Tied House. Well, either way, Jenn and her finally joined us at the Mission Ale House. :-) However, we didn’t stay more than 45 minutes. For some reason, the drinks all tasted like cough syrup that night. Yuk. So, we met up with friends from the French Union (Miriam’s former co-workers from HP, who all happen to be French and who all live and hang out together, so we call them the French Union). It was at this place called The Vault. It’s a little posh, and a bit yuppie-ish. Those aren’t complaints, at least, not to me. But those are complaints to Jenn. We tried to go to this other place afterwards, but stopped off at this one Irish pub instead. We kinda got stuck there, just cracking each other up, laughing our heads off about whatever (Bee-nod). We even got a double laugh snort…one from Jenn that trigger one from Miriam. Bonus! LOL

At about 1:30am, Jenn and Miriam went to eat and meet up with some of Jenn’s friends, including Bee-nod. My g/f and I called it a night.