Monday, October 16, 2023

A fox just moseying along the road on a dog walk


A fox just moseying along the road. Joie got her chance to bark at this suburban intruder, from a safe distance.


Thursday, September 28, 2023

In-Field Babe Ruth II

A long time ago, I wrote about how I hit an in-field Babe Ruth in a high school softball game. I pointed at the short stop player who taunted me and told him that I was going to hit the ball right at him; and I did just that.  The player was so stunted, he dropped the ball, and I was easily safe at first base. 

Well, I hit another in-field Babe Ruth. It was also a long time ago, but after I wrote about my first in-field Babe Ruth.  (I'm surprised I didn't mentioned in this blog at that time.)  OK, so I hit this second in-field Babe Ruth at a local softball game for a team that was sponsored by my then-employer.  

Babe Ruth calling his shot
Babe Ruth's "called shot" home run

The whole affair was similar to the first time.  I was at bat.  The first base player was taunting me to hit the ball right at her.  She pounded her glove and held it out in front of her.  I pointed at her and say "OK, you asked for it".  I positioned my feet to bias my swing to hit towards first base.  The pitch was made.  I swung and hit the ball exactly were I intended.  It went straight for her glove.

The ball hit squarely in her glove and bounced to the ground.  She was so stunted, she didn't even think to try to pick up the ball until I was already well on my way at full speed heading to first base.  She finally scrambled to pick up the ball.  It was too late. I ran across first base.  Safe!

Sidenote, at that time, the team was known as the Cepheid Xperts.  It appears the team now goes by the name Cepheid Sluggers.

New Patent issued


Linking views/states of 3d models and propagating updates in same
Japan Patent 7357715
Issued: Sept 28, 2023

Linking of 3D views within a 3D model, such as saved views and presentation states, into parent and child relationship. Automatically propagate changes to child views and their associated annotations when the orientation and other aspects of the parent view are changed, where the child views change to remain at the same relative orientation to the parent view, and where the annotations of a child view are modified so that their orientations are aligned with changes to the orientation of the associated child view.

[Normally, the US patent is first to be issued (ahead of international patents). However, in this case, the Japanese Patent Office worked faster than the USPTO; so it's the issuance of Japanese Patent that marks this achievement. I like the Japanese patent certificate.]

Tuesday, September 26, 2023

A list of many types of Angles from Geometry

There are many types of angles in geometry. I previously made a very basic list of angle pairings on my technical blog. This was written from the perspective of sketching shapes. The previous article only scratched the surface. As such, I've been wanting to revisit this topic from more generic geometry-based perspective. As an ad interm step, I've complied this list of different types of angles (basic types or shapes), angle pairings (group or related), and angle positions. In the future, I'll use this list as the basis for some sort of content with visual examples.
Angle Name Alternate name Definition Concept
Acute n/a An angle that measures less than 90 degrees. basic type
Full Full Rotation An angle that measures exactly 360 degrees. basic type
Obtuse n/a An angle that measures more than 90 degrees but less than 180 degrees. basic type
Reflex n/a An angle that measures more than 180 degrees but less than 360 degrees. basic type
Right n/a An angle that measures exactly 90 degrees. basic type
Straight n/a An angle that measures exactly 180 degrees. basic type
Zero n/a The two rays of the angle make zero degrees inclination with respect to each other basic type
Adjacent n/a Two angles that share a common vertex and a common ray but do not overlap. group
Alternate n/a Pairs of angles formed when a transversal intersects two lines. They are on opposite sides of the transversal and are congruent. group
Alternate Exterior n/a Pairs of angles formed when a transversal intersects two lines. They are on opposite sides of the transversal and outside the pair of lines. group
Alternate Interior n/a Pairs of angles formed when a transversal intersects two lines. They are on opposite sides of the transversal and inside the pair of lines. group
Congruent n/a Angles that have the same measure. group
Consecutive Exterior n/a Pairs of angles formed when a transversal intersects two lines. They are on the same side of the transversal and outside the pair of lines. group
Consecutive Interior n/a Pairs of angles formed when a transversal intersects two lines. They are on the same side of the transversal and inside the pair of lines. group
Corresponding n/a Pairs of angles formed when a transversal intersects two lines. They are on the same side of the transversal and in corresponding positions. group
Non-adjacent Complementary n/a Either of two non-adjecent angles whose sum is 90 degrees. group
Non-adjacent Explementary Conjugate Either of two non-adjecent angles whose sum is 360 degrees. group
Non-adjacent Supplementary n/a Either of two non-adjacent angles whose sum is 180 degrees. group
Central n/a An angle whose vertex is at the center of a circle. position
Inscribed n/a An angle formed by two chords in a circle with its vertex on the circle. position
Related n/a A general term used for pairs of angles with a common vertex, which can include various angle relationships. position
Adjacent Complementary n/a Either of two adjecent angles whose sum is 90 degrees. related
Adjacent Explementary n/a Either of two adjecent angles whose sum is 360 degrees. related
Adjacent Supplementary Linear Pair Either of two adjecent supplementary angles. related
Vertically Opposite Vertical A pair of non-adjacent angles formed by the intersection of two straight lines and are opposite to each other. They have equal measures and will never form a linear pair. related
Concave n/a An angle with some of its interior points outside the polygon it forms. shape
Convex n/a An angle with all its interior points inside the polygon it forms. shape
Dihedral n/a The angle between two intersecting planes. shape
Exterior n/a An angle formed by one side of a polygon and the extension of an adjacent side. shape
Exterior Right n/a An angle formed by an extended side of a polygon and an adjacent side at a right angle. shape
Interior n/a Angles formed within the boundary of a polygon. shape
Reflex Interior n/a An angle greater than 180 degrees within a polygon. shape
Spherical n/a An angle formed by two intersecting great circles on a sphere. shape

The last time I mentioned geometry on this blog was back in 2007. It's a story about how I solved an "impossible" geometry problem on a technicality.