Monday, April 07, 2003

Ok. a newer pic of me...

New Year's Party 2003

Trouble with "Under God" - "In God We Trust"

Well, I believe in god, but I don't believe it has any place in government. Just look at the Middleeast now, and also to the Dark Ages in Europe. Using god to govern leads to oppression cuz it always comes down to a human's individual superstitions being enforced by force over another's views. We have no right to enforce our beliefs on anyone, atheists included, regardless of how small the act is. It’s not even historically part of our heritage to use terms referring to god on money or in the pledge. It is an abomination added by a select few in the 1950's, who's posterity now pretend its been there all along. Those people who don't believe in the god mentioned in the pledge know who they are (atheists or people of non-christian religions), and they know it isn't inclusive of their beliefs. This is the problem with using the god terms in government.

Sunday, April 06, 2003

Trouble with ...oh hell with it

Been pretty busy this week with work in the day and hanging out with friends on various nights. However, I am keeping an eye on the war too. It almost seems like a Wag the Dog meets Monty Python with a flavour of Saturday Night Live. I recommend watching Wag the Dog if you haven't seen it already. It was meant as a critism of Clinton, but it seems even more appropriately applied to Bush II. Monty Python bits would be Saddam himself, with the goofy coke bottle glasses and his opening "graphics" which look like he ripped off directly from the Monty Python show. The Saturday Night Live part is because it looks as though its all supposed to be funny, but ends up being very boring and putting everyone to sleep.

Oh, on to what I've been up to. Having fun. Last night hung out with my friends in downtown Campbell. Turned about to be more fun than I thought, but not cause we were, but cuz we just had a fun time hanging out.

Right now, I'm at a place called "Netopolis" for online gaming. I don't have a working computer at my place anymore, so I do it here or use my work computer off hours at work. It's actually pretty liberating. Instead of spending all my time online, I do random stuff like head out of town on a whim, or take care of business that I'd never bother with. Even though I pay for my time, it's still cheaper than having my own broadband access and computer (like $20 a month verses maybe $60 for computer payments plus $40 for highspeed internet.

Have fun!

Thursday, March 27, 2003

Time to start backing down from spending

I think I've been singlehandedly supporting the U.S. economy in the past few months. LOL Well, time to start saving and looking into investments. Gots some ideas, but I'm not telling. :)

Friday, March 21, 2003

A friend's opinion

What do you think about the war?
"Saddam needs to be killed, but I don't agree with Bush's airheaded method. That's what you get when you have a hotheaded cowboy as Pres."

Thursday, March 20, 2003

Breaking News from the Living Room

Miriam feels like Taco Bell Nachos. She's patting me on the shoulder telling me all about it. Now her head is on my shoulder...rubbing me for some reason. Turtle face now. ok now...the "other" Miriam face. Is this hell? "Shut the fuck up" she she's taking about Taco Bell again. Now she's poking me in the side with her toes. "Why are you ignoring me?" Ok...that's the latest.