Friday, August 30, 2002

Front Business

I went to a Chinese restaurant with some co-workers for lunch today. It's kinda hidden. The service is completely horrible. No regular napkins at all in the place. When I asked for some, they gave us cocktail napkins with a logo from old restaurant that used to be at that location. The food is so-so. The place itself had limited seating that did no fill the dining area (if you can call it that). The place even had a rather inviting back door to the kitchen area which we mistakenly entered first. The place just had the feel like its primary business was not to be a restaurant. So we started thinking it was a front for a crime syndicate like the Triads. lol

Wednesday, August 28, 2002

Great Presidential Quotes

Dispite any great deeds, here is what they are really remembered for. This is my list, and if you have any suggestions to fill in missing presidents, e-mail me so I can update it.

Truman: "To hell with the Japs!"
Nixon: "I am not a crook!"
Ford: "Oops!" ::thud::
Reagan: "Huh?"
Bush Sr.: "Read my lips, no new taxes!"
Clinton: "I did not have sexual relations with that woman."
Bush Jr. "We must stop these evil-doers."

Thursday, August 22, 2002

Just a report really.

Music in the Park had Stroke 9 last week. I left my yearly company picnic year to get there in time to catch them as your set started. Met up with Steph and Miriam and other friends. I don't let loose and just drink usually, but I wasn't driving and I haven't do it in awhile, so I just drank all I could in the afternoon and evening. Had lots of fun in the downtown San Jose event.

This week, my friend has been having some guy problems, so I've been hanging out with her and she's feeling better now. Today, I'm at work late, but not's a weekly thang for our department called Darts Night. Beer and Pizza! Can't go wrong with that. lol

Thursday, August 15, 2002

Funny, I'm writting about last weekend when this weekend is only a day away. lol

Last weekend, it was good. A friend of mine is heading out today on a 4 month tour with his band. So, last Friday, we had a party at his place to celebrate. Definitely a diverse mix of co-workers, college buddies and friend's friends. Later that night, we ended up at a beach and shot off some big fireworks. Got back around 4:00am. Next stop: Santa Cruz! Met up with some blogger buddies. Hey there Imelda for setting it up. Dave, Jillian and Marcie! Had fun down at the boardwalk, and I kicked ass at Laser Tag. Dang, this makes me wanna go Paintballing again soon. Maybe next month. A friend has a home business and goes to the Farmer's Market around this area to sell her goods. I ran across her at the Campbell market on Sunday, so after I got my shopping done, I helped out for awhile. After that, I just relaxed at home. Oops, no I didn't...well, kinda. I went to the movies to check out the new theater in the Pruneyard Sunday night. Saw The Bourne Identity The theater interested me because a friend and I looked over the sight for a possible business of our own before and I wanted to see what Camera Cinemas did with it. It turned out to be a nice place with a Willow Street Cafe (pizza) in side.

Thursday, August 08, 2002

Two girls, a gay guy and a kerioki bar

My friends Miriam and Steph are having a girls night out and end up a this place called the Bamboo 7 in Japantown. It's kinda dead, so Miriam calls me up to join. Hey thanks! lol anyways, I get there, and Ronie and Mark get there a bit later. Kerioki is particularly bad this night. We end up in a booth in someone else's spot. These two girls and their gay friend. The brunette is cute. She initiates a conversation and flirts with me a little bit. Cool. She's attractive, and we move close, with physical contact. I'm thinking, "Cool". Ok, so she and her two friends go outside for a smoke. Then when they come back, the blonde sits next to me. Right up next to me. She's even more physical, but I wasn't in to her. Of course, I find out the brunette is married, supposedly. huh, figure that out. So this blonde is all up on me now. So, I'm cool with it, but wasn't into her, which doesn't seem to deter her. Anyways, she gets up after a bit and goes to the bar. The gay guy moves up next to me and is trying to touch me casually. lol He's trying to talk me up. He even gets up the nerve to ask if I was gay. I ignored it, but he said, "well?" I'm like, "No, I'm not gay." He quickly retracts as pretends he was talking about something else. kinda funny. So now my friends, who (of course) where noticing all this, have teased me about being hit on by two girlfriends and their gay friend.

Monday, August 05, 2002

Money is tight

Right now, money is tight. Dang it. Well, I'm used to it, and I gots the self-control to deal with it, but still sux. I thought I'd be in better shape by now. I'm just waiting for Friday payday. As long as I don't go crazy, it should be a good starting point to recovering. I'm still a grand in the red on my checking account's reserve cash ($2000 line of credit attached to my checking), but at least cash flow will allow me to pay the big bills coming up without dipping further into debt. I maybe even be able to recover a little bit.
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