Saturday, December 14, 2002

James Bond, Star Trek, ...etc Movie talk

This is the season for movies! Bond: No plot, thin story, but tons of fun eye candy action! Star Trek: Too much story for some people I think. Most people where prolly expecting something along the lines of previous two Star Trek movies. This one was more in line with the Star Trek Next Generation type stories, with meanderering storyline lines and annoying unnecessary character over-development.

Can't wait for Lord of the Rings.

Monday, December 09, 2002

With the death of millions of turkeys around the country last week...

lol I love turkey cooked just right...and the leftovers last and last. :) anyways, life for me right now feels like I'm in a holding pattern, waiting for something, but with nufin to wait for...just need a place to land. Not really a rut or anything. ...just nothing exciting or different going on. Work is work...that doesn't count here, but stuff is going on there. eh, hmm, oh well.

Monday, December 02, 2002

Turkey Weekend?

What did you do for your Turkey Weekend?

I headed out earlier on Thurs taking the southerly route to my parent via
Casa de Fruita. So, yeah, I was heading to 101 on 85 around 9:00am on
Thurs. :) I spend the day over there, then head up to my aunt's place in
Pleasanton the next day. Hung out there for awhile, then went to have
dinner at this place in Oakland with then. After that, I visited a friend
up at the delta near Martinez, slept there and took off around 8:00 for
home. So all that was cool...made my rounds. :) Then bought some dvd
shelving for my new and growing dvd collection. built that good.
(it's just shelving of course). Last night hung out with Miriam and a
friend for awhile. Overall, quite enjoyable and relaxing!
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