Tuesday, January 17, 2023

New Patent issued

WYSIWYG editor for creating and editing a feature control frame for geometric dimensioning and tolerancing in computer-aided design system

US Patent number: 11,556,234

Issued: Jan 17, 2023

Inventors: Abhijeet Narvenkar and Matthew Lorono

Here's a newly issued patent by Abhijeet Narvenkar and myself for the WYSIWYG GTOL editor now found in SOLIDWORKS that allows for the intuitive and quick creation of geometric tolerance (GD&T/GPS) feature control frames based on a series of connected user choices.

Patent link

Sunday, January 01, 2023

Movies I watched in 2022

2022 isn't a full return to form for the movie industry, but it's a good few steps forward.  There was still a significant period of time where I just wasn't interested to see any movie in the theaters for weeks, if not months.  Overall, though, I saw quite a number of movies.  This won't be a review.  I'm just going to list what I saw with links for streaming if someone else wishes to see them now.

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