Showing posts with label Poetry. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Poetry. Show all posts

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Ocean's Edge

Sun sprinkles below
Waves' crests and pitches dancing
Cliffs glorious view

Sunday, August 01, 2010

Sunday, July 25, 2010

California Nature (final version/republished)

Your journey roads herald adventure,
Impelling me to climb your cloven heights,
And romp carelessly,
as aureate poppy fields beckon.

Sun-kissed waters bounce along your shoreline.
They entice me to surf the crashing calm waves.

Canopy-enveloped valleys thrive with floral scents
That draw my ingression, but I forestall.

Instead I caper like Racetrack Playa’s sailing stones,
Which tickle your basin by some unseen will.

I endeavor to hike your proud hills,
And find places to gaze lostly into lakes full with sky.

Vineyard nectar overflows like sweet sweat,
To spur my soul’s arousal as I partake.
Your boundless attributes gratify my wanderlust,
And allure me to appease your nature.

Sunday, July 18, 2010

My Wife

Each day is new
Like the sunshine
I'm happy its you
and that your mine.

Sunday, May 09, 2010

High School Poems II

Brown, brush
Lies, burns, moisturizes
Forestial protective top soil

Common, terrestrial
Sits, cracks, crumbles
Is at the mercy of weather
Big rock

For Extra Credit
Great way to improve my score
Ain't this just so great?!

I had classes that covered poetry for 4 years straight, and by the second year, I just started recycling much of my works,just adding extras to cover differing requirements.

I'm not going to add any other poems from my schools years here. There's over 50 or so, but nufin really any good. Some were very ambitious, and I may revisit them later for future projects anew.

Sunday, May 02, 2010

California Nature (Rev. B)

Your journey roads herald adventure,
Impelling me to climb your cloven heights,
And romp carelessly,
as aureate poppy fields beckon.

Sun-kissed waters bounce along your shoreline.
They entice me to surf the crashing calm waves.

Canopy-enveloped valleys thrive with floral scents
That draw my ingression, but I forestall.

Instead I caper like Death Valley’s mysterious-moving-rocks,
Which tickle your basin by some unseen will.

I endeavor to hike your proud hills,
And find places to gaze lostly into lakes full with sky.

Vineyard nectar overflows like sweet sweat,
To spur my soul’s arousal as I partake.
Your boundless attributes gratify my wanderlust,
And allure me to appease your nature.

Sunday, April 11, 2010

Casted Braches (final version)...almost

Night’s pale spirit dashes spiderwebs upon earth, 
Like villains cast onto silver screens, 
Lying without breath; but breathing, as wind affects, 
To spook our children on All Hallows’ Eve. 

Creaks and cackles echo, 
While creep jostles our own essence. 
This comforts ghosts banned from bliss, 
As they hide from Inferno’s joy. 

Clamoring so, and wailing, 
Lost souls seek new abodes; 
Haunting our windows as light upon memories; 
Whisking about, agitated, frustrated…then night wanes. 

Apollo rides out with his own cast of characters, 
To sweep away specters and their weeps, 
And comfort bring to little ones as they arise, 
Oblivious to the crypts under tread. 

About this poem: Casted Branches is about the pain of lose of a loved one, and the phases we experience when dealing with that lose. The challenge was to find new ways to express that kind of lose with a fresh and creative approach, since the topic is one of the most common and poorly written for poems. Cast Branches is prolly the best and most thoughtful poem I have written. In a way, it summarizes a period of my own life that stretched for several years. I also understand how this poem may be used to address the ending of a relationship, though this is not how I personally relate to it.

Sunday, April 04, 2010

High School Poems I

I know a man with a big nose,
I'd swear it was a water hose.
He'd say it was not,
but it sure dripped a lot.
It ran all day;
Enough to fill the bay.
I told him his faucet had to be fixed.
So he gave his lip many licks.
His nose still ran with that slime.
Oh, how I hate the color lime.

Sunday, March 28, 2010

The Brave Man

There once was a brave man
Who said, "I will, I can!"
So he did go
And tried, ya'no,
But he got scared and ran.

Sunday, March 21, 2010

My Beviepie

I used to sing this little ditty to Bevie (circa 1998-1999), set (roughly) to the tune of the ol' Spider-man cartoon theme song. It used to make her giggle...well, because it's pretty silly.

Beviepie, Beviepie

My-oh-my Beviepie

She's so cute

Yeah she is

She a beaut

I want to kiss

Hey hey,

There's my Beviepie