Monday, June 23, 2003

Time Out

Friday night after work, a bunch of people from here at work ended up for happy hour at Rio Del Mar on Shoreline just off of 101. After enjoying some mighty strong margaritas and dinner, we headed down to 251 Castro and then Molly McGees next door. Had a great time. Had to take it easy on Sat to recover. :)

On Sunday, I went sailing with Brant, Tina and company. Both the Double Trouble and Spitfire were out, sailing over to San Francisco and back (from Oakland). The weather was great. No big waves in the bay. Lots of fun! I'm really glad I've gotten into sailing. I'm having a great time learning the ropes and going on great outings. I'd post some pics, sep there's enough of them online already at the Morphine Racing site (the Brant and Tina link above).

In other news, our company softball team hasn't played a really good game of softball for a couple of weeks. Two weeks ago, we where robbed of a good game when the entire ump staff walked off the job in the middle of the game. Last week, the other team didn't show up. That's ok, cuz I didn't show up either. LOL Hopefully this week we can get thangs rolling.

Also, here's another daily journey blog I found. You Are Not A Slave.

Thursday, June 19, 2003

First Sailboat Race / Trouble with Sleep

I was in my first sailboat race last Friday evening. It was a lot of fun. I'm learning the ropes, literally. :) We got into this one situation at the marker where this little sailboat of ours was surrounded on 3 sides by larger boats. That was exciting. Somehow we got thru that without being rammed by the larger boats. We were on a little 20' boat with no name.

During the week, my sleep has been reduced to an average of 8 hours to 5. This is partial because I'm not getting home til midnight every day, but also due to the fact that I wake with the rising of the sun. So if this was winter, I'd be waking up around 7, but right now I'm waking around 5:30am. Don't know how I'm doing so well durning the days. I used to hate losing sleep. I'm enjoying myself without being crazy or going overboard, so it's all good.

Tuesday, June 10, 2003

Piracy On the High Seas

I went sailing with a friend Brant here from work. He, and his friends, had three sail boats out Sunday afternoon. His boat is the Spitfire. I was on the boat Double Trouble, skippered by Kevin. I think there was ten people total. We where out sailing in the Alameda area near Jack London Square in Oakland. It was my first time, so I was learning the ropes, literally. There was a video camera out, so any embarrassing moments would be preserved for all time. There's a lot to learn about sailing, and hopefully I can pick up on it quick. The Spitfire was all fixed up and waxed, so (at least to a novice) she looked like she was sailing the best out there.

At one point, the different boats started bombarding each other with grapes and ice. Double Trouble came along side Spitfire and I boarded Spitfire, pelting its crew at point blank range with the grapes. I got stuck on board, but soon escaped back onto Double Trouble with some loot (beers from the cooler), pulling off a daring raid! LOL This prolly isn't something that is going to happen everytime we are out there. Oh, and where was the Coast Guard while this piracy at sea was going on? They where blasting 50 Cent over their intercom system. LOL Everyone was having a blast.

It looks like I'll be able to join up with the racing crew on the Spitfire. Update to come.

Trouble with Burger King

Ok, so I just officially had my worse Burger King experience ever. It's not a horrible experience, but one that annoys. I decide to hit up Burger King in Sunnyvale just off of 101. It's my lunch break today. After making up my mind, I drive up to the order speaker. I promptly order a large Number 1. That's the Whopper value meal, priced at $4.09. The girl taking my order asks if I want cheeze, and I tell her no cheeze. She asks what I want for a drink, and I tell her Coke. She comes up with a price like $5.60 or something like that. I shrug it off as I drive up, but when I get to the pay window, she repeats the high number. I'm thinking, "Over a dollar in tax for a 4 dollar item?" So I check the order. She had put cheeze on my order. That's like 50 cents or so. She corrects the price to 4.89. I pay it, not really thinking about it again. Cuz of the muck up, I don't get a receipt from her. So, I drive up to the food pick up window. The girl there give me my bag with the Whopper and Fries. I just to make sure it has no cheeze. It doesn't. Then she tries to hand me a low-fat milk as my drink. Huh? All I can do is look at her weird. "Um, large Coke," I tell her. So I get my Coke, and ask for some ketchup. She gives me two packets. I've never had a fast food window only give two packages. After I get back to work, I realize they also didn't put a napkin in the bag. It also hit me that I still prolly paid too much, somehow, since the sales tax on 4.09 should be 34 cents, not 80 cents. Oh well, looks like I can't turn my brain off the next time I go there...sheeze.

Thursday, June 05, 2003

It always seems like it's Thursday

It always seems like it's Thursday when I find myself here. :) Been hella busy. Playing softball tonight. We lost the last game. blah blah. rants recently, sorry. Just been to spent to build up the energy for it. Also, I will be added new poems to my poetry blog soon.

Going sailing this weekend! Should have some pics from that available next week! Tomorrow night is my friend's b/d party at the Tied House in San Jose. Going to be a blast, I'm sure. Hope I don't cause too much trouble. hehe

Sunday, June 01, 2003

La la la

Been keeping pretty busy for awhile now. Feels right. Even too busy leave real entries on the blog...but I will try soon.

Friday, May 23, 2003

We Lost, but hey, not by much

More the same's been going on. Keeping busy with stuff. Lost the game yesterday, but it's ok...wasn't by much and it was against a good team. No rants right this minute, but I got a couple stewing, so they may be showing up on this blog soon. :)

Monday, May 19, 2003

Matrix Reloaded

This was a good movie. The subtext was surprizingly deep (at least for an action movie), and of course, the eye candy was great. Over all, fun movie. Warning, it's a two-parter, being concluded with Matrix Revolutions in Nov.

Friday, May 16, 2003

We WON!!!! Yeah!

We actually won our game, like 16 to 9. Woohoo! Awesome. We celebrated with many drinks at the clubhouse. Fun fun fun.

Thursday, May 15, 2003


My company's softball team is playing again tonight. We've not been winning all that much. I do have a number on my shirt though. 23. It means nothing. Just there cuz no one else as a number. LOL

Wednesday, May 14, 2003

Got plans...

For Matrix Reloaded this Friday! Yeah!!! Anyone seen the promo's for the Hulk? eh...the CGI hulk is looking too cartoony next to the RL stuff going on around him. I'm not convinced.

Monday, May 12, 2003

In case...

In case I have some regular visitors these days, I'll mention that I've cleaned up my links and created a secondary blog just for poetry and other creative writing projects. Click the link at the top of the Site Seeing column to the right called "Reading This". It is just getting started. I'm putting older works up right now. Just added a poem that is very important to me. I can't go into details as to why right now, but just know it was written for someone that loved me very much. If you have any works you'd like added, contact me and I can post them on the blog.

I'm a bit unsettled right now. Something has happened. Something wonderful, yes! Something confusing. Something which requires my patience and feelings to cohabitate. Something that has reminded me that I'm alive, and not just living.

Thursday, May 08, 2003

X2: X-Men United

Stupid ass title. The movie itself it great. Better than the first. Given the lame title, my expectations were low, but even my picky ass was impressed. It was more than just simply enjoyable. There is a little suspence, but mostly climax. It works for this film. The ending was a bit unexpected. I liked the way they tided the whole basic story of the X-Men together too. Fun story. Now, I can't wait to see Matrix Reloaded!

Monday, May 05, 2003

Infamous Miniature Golf story's the story infamous Miniature Golf story..

This one time, like two years ago, I took Miriam to play Miniature Golf at a Golfland in San Jose. She hadn't been to a Miniature Golf place in aeons. So, we get our clubs, balls, scorecard and pencils, then head to the first tee. Being the gentleman that I am, I let her go first. She bends down by sticking her ass up in the air as usual (this being a family type place, mind you) to put the ball on the black mat. It starts rolling around a bit, but finally she makes it stay in place. While this was going on, I'm watching her out of the corner of my eye, just kinda waiting for her to get her ball to stop rolling around. Getting the ball to stay in place was, of course, a pointless exercise given what she does next.

She swings. I hear a panicked "Oh!" She's looking back at me, embarassed, kinda laughing, kinda wimpering. Then I notice the club is no longer in her hands. I briefly look around for it, confused. Then I realize, she's thrown the club up in the air during her swing! I ask, "Where did you throw the club?" Then I realize further, the club went straight up in the air! Worse yet, it hasn't come down yet! Then, my even more profound realization is that it has now been 5 seconds, from when I was wondering why Miriam was embarassed to this moment (when I realized the club was still up in the air), and the club was still up in the air! I shout at Miriam, "Get out of the way!", while using pure instinct as to where not be when it finally decided to come back down to earth. We both duck and run. I turn around, worried that this magic club (which has now been in the air for over 6 seconds) might land on someone else. To my relief, it tumbles to the ground safely, right on the spot that Miriam and I had just ran away from.

We laughed it off, and were relieved no one got hurt. But to this day, we wonder how the hell this club shot straight up out of her hands into the air far enough to land in the same spot a whole 7 seconds later!