Saturday, November 11, 2017

#TashaEurich "on any given day, 80% of us are lying to ourselves about lying to ourselves". #TEDxMileHigh2017 #tedx #tedxmilehigh #denver #denvermetroarea #denvermetro #denvercolorado #frontrange #colorado

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#BenCort : most medical properties of #marijuana are chemical #CBD. You can bath in it, never get high. #TEDxMileHigh2017 #marijaunapolicy #tedx #tedxmilehigh #denver #denvermetro #denvermetroarea #frontrange #colorado #denvercolorado

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#DanielleShoots - companies hire consultants on how to retain #Millennials who are masters of participation trophies. #TEDxMileHigh2017

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#DickDurrnace "somehow I was going to have to suck it up and overcome the fear..." in combat. #veteran #veteransday #TEDxMileHigh2017 #tedx #tedxmilehigh #denver #denvermetroarea #denvermetro #denvercolorado #frontrange

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#JamesOrsulak talks about moving manufacturing into space where sources a nearly unlimited and hazards removed from our home. #TEDxMileHigh2017

The one thing that struck me is that the speaker didn't consider the problems with planetary motion. He suggests that we conduct manufacturing operations in space and bringing back goods to Earth without harming our planet.  However, bringing too many materials (regardless to their form) from "unlimited" resources of the solar system back to Earth would eventually cause an impact to Earth's orbit around the Sun, also damaging our planet.  

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#BethMosenthal talks about how to reimagine urban growth using Denver as example @ #TEDxMileHigh2017 #tedx #tedxmilehigh #denver #denvercolorado #denvermetroarea #denvermetro #tedxtalk #frontrange #colorado

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