Friday, January 17, 2020

Thursday, January 16, 2020

Tuesday, January 14, 2020

It's almost a secret, but not really...riders are rated too on Uber and Lyft. Lyft just told me my rating...

I'm not sure the extent to which people know that they too are rated when they take a ride on Uber or Lyft.  I've known it, but others seem suprized when they hear mention of this fact.  This is likely due to the fact that the average user doesn't have access to that rating.  Well, today, Lyft just notified me of my rating!

At least, this is for my trips in 2019.  Lyft also let me know that I rode almost 800 miles with them this year.  Wow.  

Friday, January 10, 2020

Space Sauna out in the Black (Elite Dangerous)

After exploring for weeks, it was time to take a break. I found a deep canyon on this heavily scared moon with a great view at a geological site to enjoy a space sauna. Kick up your heels (of the space legs you do not yet have) and relax under the gas giant in nature's steam.

Attention! - May 2018

This alert happened several times during my stay at this location.  Not really sure what was going on.