Monday, June 30, 2003

In-field Babe Ruth

I wasn't bad at sports. I just never really tried. Once in awhile, thangs click when I want something badly enough. There was this one time [at Band Camp LOL] back in high school in PE, the class was playing softball. I wasn't that good at sports, sep I could run fast. Anyways, this one guy on the opposing team was hassling me. He was playing short between first and second. He heckled me, telling me to hit it right at him. He was putting on a good show, punching his fist into his glove. So, I got belligerent and pointed right at him and said, "Alright, you've asked for it! The ball's going right for you!". He then was all, "Alright!" and held his glove like a catcher, waiting for my hit. 

The pitch was made, and I swung, driving the ball right at his glove. I took off for first at full speed. As I was running, I watched the ball hit his glove and drop to the ground. He was so stunted he didn't move until I was almost to first base. Everyone on his team was screaming at him to pick it up! He finally did, but I was safe. Needless to say, I wasn't heckled by anyone for anything again in that class. I'm still not a good softball/baseball player, but ever since then, I am very rarely thrown out at first.

Sunday, June 29, 2003

Skinny Dipping

The last time I went skinny dipping was a few years ago, with a couple of cute girls. It was on a camping trip along the Delta in SF Bay Area. I just took of my clothes and hopped in the river. Didn't take long for the girls to follow. I'm not going to share further details besides to say it was fun.  I did pay for it the next day, with second degree sunburns across my back and forehead.

Friday, June 27, 2003

It is very likely I will be adding a permenant link to my website for this:

Strong Bads Emails


Yesterday's game was a heart breaker. The weather was hot, with the wind blowing to in the field and the sun shining directly at the batter. We started off well, scoring 3 runs in the first inning. The opposing team got up to bat and covered our 3 points with some good infield hitting. They scored 4 more runs in the next couple of innings, holding us to just one run. In the sixth inning, we started coming back, but fell one run short.

I struck out my first time up by letting the count fill, then swinging at a high ball. I made up for it later with a shallow shot to right field which got me on base; then a great shoot to center right field. It would been enough to get me to second, but a slow runner was in front of me, who held up at second. Then there was another great shot to center field by Kenny (who was at the top of our line up). The slow runner had enough time to get to home to score the tieing run, but was held up at third, again preventing me from moving more than one base. With bases loaded, we were one run down. The next batter hit an infield grounder past second, allowing the fielder to throw out the runner in a forced out, ending the game.

Monday, June 23, 2003

Time Out

Friday night after work, a bunch of people from here at work ended up for happy hour at Rio Del Mar on Shoreline just off of 101. After enjoying some mighty strong margaritas and dinner, we headed down to 251 Castro and then Molly McGees next door. Had a great time. Had to take it easy on Sat to recover. :)

On Sunday, I went sailing with Brant, Tina and company. Both the Double Trouble and Spitfire were out, sailing over to San Francisco and back (from Oakland). The weather was great. No big waves in the bay. Lots of fun! I'm really glad I've gotten into sailing. I'm having a great time learning the ropes and going on great outings. I'd post some pics, sep there's enough of them online already at the Morphine Racing site (the Brant and Tina link above).

In other news, our company softball team hasn't played a really good game of softball for a couple of weeks. Two weeks ago, we where robbed of a good game when the entire ump staff walked off the job in the middle of the game. Last week, the other team didn't show up. That's ok, cuz I didn't show up either. LOL Hopefully this week we can get thangs rolling.

Also, here's another daily journey blog I found. You Are Not A Slave.

Thursday, June 19, 2003

First Sailboat Race / Trouble with Sleep

I was in my first sailboat race last Friday evening. It was a lot of fun. I'm learning the ropes, literally. :) We got into this one situation at the marker where this little sailboat of ours was surrounded on 3 sides by larger boats. That was exciting. Somehow we got thru that without being rammed by the larger boats. We were on a little 20' boat with no name.

During the week, my sleep has been reduced to an average of 8 hours to 5. This is partial because I'm not getting home til midnight every day, but also due to the fact that I wake with the rising of the sun. So if this was winter, I'd be waking up around 7, but right now I'm waking around 5:30am. Don't know how I'm doing so well durning the days. I used to hate losing sleep. I'm enjoying myself without being crazy or going overboard, so it's all good.

Tuesday, June 10, 2003

Piracy On the High Seas

I went sailing with a friend Brant here from work. He, and his friends, had three sail boats out Sunday afternoon. His boat is the Spitfire. I was on the boat Double Trouble, skippered by Kevin. I think there was ten people total. We where out sailing in the Alameda area near Jack London Square in Oakland. It was my first time, so I was learning the ropes, literally. There was a video camera out, so any embarrassing moments would be preserved for all time. There's a lot to learn about sailing, and hopefully I can pick up on it quick. The Spitfire was all fixed up and waxed, so (at least to a novice) she looked like she was sailing the best out there.

At one point, the different boats started bombarding each other with grapes and ice. Double Trouble came along side Spitfire and I boarded Spitfire, pelting its crew at point blank range with the grapes. I got stuck on board, but soon escaped back onto Double Trouble with some loot (beers from the cooler), pulling off a daring raid! LOL This prolly isn't something that is going to happen everytime we are out there. Oh, and where was the Coast Guard while this piracy at sea was going on? They where blasting 50 Cent over their intercom system. LOL Everyone was having a blast.

It looks like I'll be able to join up with the racing crew on the Spitfire. Update to come.

Trouble with Burger King

Ok, so I just officially had my worse Burger King experience ever. It's not a horrible experience, but one that annoys. I decide to hit up Burger King in Sunnyvale just off of 101. It's my lunch break today. After making up my mind, I drive up to the order speaker. I promptly order a large Number 1. That's the Whopper value meal, priced at $4.09. The girl taking my order asks if I want cheeze, and I tell her no cheeze. She asks what I want for a drink, and I tell her Coke. She comes up with a price like $5.60 or something like that. I shrug it off as I drive up, but when I get to the pay window, she repeats the high number. I'm thinking, "Over a dollar in tax for a 4 dollar item?" So I check the order. She had put cheeze on my order. That's like 50 cents or so. She corrects the price to 4.89. I pay it, not really thinking about it again. Cuz of the muck up, I don't get a receipt from her. So, I drive up to the food pick up window. The girl there give me my bag with the Whopper and Fries. I just to make sure it has no cheeze. It doesn't. Then she tries to hand me a low-fat milk as my drink. Huh? All I can do is look at her weird. "Um, large Coke," I tell her. So I get my Coke, and ask for some ketchup. She gives me two packets. I've never had a fast food window only give two packages. After I get back to work, I realize they also didn't put a napkin in the bag. It also hit me that I still prolly paid too much, somehow, since the sales tax on 4.09 should be 34 cents, not 80 cents. Oh well, looks like I can't turn my brain off the next time I go there...sheeze.

Thursday, June 05, 2003

It always seems like it's Thursday

It always seems like it's Thursday when I find myself here. :) Been hella busy. Playing softball tonight. We lost the last game. blah blah. rants recently, sorry. Just been to spent to build up the energy for it. Also, I will be added new poems to my poetry blog soon.

Going sailing this weekend! Should have some pics from that available next week! Tomorrow night is my friend's b/d party at the Tied House in San Jose. Going to be a blast, I'm sure. Hope I don't cause too much trouble. hehe

Sunday, June 01, 2003

La la la

Been keeping pretty busy for awhile now. Feels right. Even too busy leave real entries on the blog...but I will try soon.
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