Tuesday, February 04, 2025

Solo kill of Cyclops during Second Thargoid War

My second-ever solo kill of Cyclops in Elite: Dangerous in defense of Earth against the Thargoids. I'm using this achievement to earn my rank in AXI.

Sunday, January 26, 2025

Eki Stamps from Japan Vacation 2024

In this world of digitality, having physical proof that you actually went somewhere and did something is a great souvenir to bring back from your travels. In Japan, there's "station stamps", called eki sutanpu. In English, you can simply call them eki stamps. They are rubber stamps for which you have to hunt. The goal is to add as many as you can to your eki stamp book. Although they are called station stamps, they aren't just found at train stations. Many tourist locations have specials stamps too.

My stamps from around Japan during my vacation in 2024

Here's the stamps I was able to collect during our vacation to Japan in 2024.  Some stamps are very clear, while others have poor quality due to dry ink pads or worn rub. Such variation is part of the charm of this physical activity.  I hope to collect many more on future journeys in Japan. 

Osaka Castle eki stamp Kyoto eki stamps

Nagoya eki stamps Nagoya and Tokyo eki stamps

Tokyo Zoo eki stamps Tokyo stations and airport eki stamps

Friday, January 24, 2025

Japan Vacation Photos Part 2

Various photos from around Tokyo and Yokohama.

Also see:

Japan Vacation 2024
Japan Vacation Photos Part 1