I've been able to visit two more states. I've added no countries or Canadian provinces, however. I hoped to get one other state before this update, but that wasn't meant to be, yet. There's just 7 states remaining.
My personal glimpse into the first half of the 21st Century for some yet to be known future
Sunday, August 04, 2024
Saturday, April 13, 2024
What it takes to earn Elite rank in Exobiology
It takes a great many scanned lifeforms to earn Elite rank in Exobiology within Elite Dangerous! Check out this slideshow of start to end in a journey around the Galaxy. This three year project is now complete. I'm now working for Elite V, but I'm only going to take a few selfies with the more interesting lifeforms for now on. Enjoy! Oh, and there is additional content in the video throughout, so be sure to watch to the end (I know they always say that).
Thursday, September 28, 2023
New Patent issued
Saturday, August 05, 2023
Possible resurrection of the landing page
After seeing the concept of the landing page undergoing a resurrection, I decided it was time to refresh my own. My new landing page has been active for a few months. It was modernized to be flexible, allowing it to display correctly on both phones and computers. It's still very simple, but it has some previews of content. It has no ads (yet) and no tracking. It's literally just a menu of my personal web across the internet.
Monday, June 26, 2023
Update on the countries and states I've visited
The number of countries I've visited is still scant, but I added a whole new continent to my list in 2019.
Tuesday, January 17, 2023
New Patent issued
WYSIWYG editor for creating and editing a feature control frame for geometric dimensioning and tolerancing in computer-aided design system
US Patent number: 11,556,234
Issued: Jan 17, 2023
Inventors: Abhijeet Narvenkar and Matthew Lorono
Here's a newly issued patent by Abhijeet Narvenkar and myself for the WYSIWYG GTOL editor now found in SOLIDWORKS that allows for the intuitive and quick creation of geometric tolerance (GD&T/GPS) feature control frames based on a series of connected user choices.
Friday, January 06, 2023
Tuesday, December 13, 2022
Monday, May 09, 2022
Tuesday, November 02, 2021
Patents issued, so far
A while a go, I realized that there's events which I've added to Facebook but not my own blog. Anyway, I'm going to add some of that now. Here's a list of my issues patents so far. (Not included are international patents for the same inventions.)