Sunday, March 31, 2002


This weekend turned out to be fairly laid back. One of those weekends where you do a lot, but there's really nufin much going on. Worked, enjoyed the first nice day of spring in this area by going out for a long drive to the coast. chatting with friends online and on the phone. I did plan to do a bit of spring cleaning around the house, but ah, nope, I didn't end up doing that. lol I have updated my backpage with a new link if you wanna check it out.

Thursday, March 28, 2002

No Car, but juicy details about Auther Anderson. lol

Oh woe is me. I took my car into for a little scratch...only the scratch wasn't so little, so now I don't get her back till monday. I know my life seems preoccupied with this car, and the insurance dispute, but it's really not. I am going out most evenings with my friends that happen to work at Auther Anderson. Damn there's a lot of juicy details going on behind the scene. The scandal really does go all the way up to the white house and the president himself. But will someone along the way have the guts to point out the link or to be the public snitch? I don't know. Well have to wait and see. There is some serious behind the scenes fiscal rigging going on. Enron is only the tip of the iceberg.

Tuesday, March 26, 2002

Finally did it

I finally wrote the appeal letter to my insurance. I'm going to have my friend check it over and give me some advice tonight. It will be mailed registered at the post office tomorrow once I correct errors. I doubt CSAA will change the findings, but I know I tried to right the wrong. I can appeal again if they come back still telling me they found me to be at fault though. I know, I'm rambling on, prolly not making much sense. lol Anyways, I feel good about getting it written, though this is at the last minute.

Wednesday, March 20, 2002

Work is piling on at work, and my responsibilities in my personal life seem to filling my evenings. Can I get some time for myself? Well, I do, but I spend it with friends, while spending too much money. lol

Monday, March 18, 2002


On Sunday, I signed over my half of the car my ex and I shared for over a year. I'm glad to have that mess out of my hair, though a little nervous cause I signed over the title, but didn't register the change with DMV. She wants to do it in NV where she's now staying. Shouldn't be a big deal (::jinx:: LOL). Anyways, I'm happy with my new car. yeah me! :) I didn't get to drive it around yesterday, cuz my friend (who was my ride back after dropping off the car) was the Dungeon Master of a D&D game going on at his place, so since it was a lot closer, he took me back there so he could finish that game. Yup, I said "D&D". LOL Scary. (...and NO, I've never played...not even once. LOL) While waiting for the game to end, I was reading up on financial strategy on how to start generating cash flow and stuff. Gots some good ideas. I may even be a millionaire one day. lol Well, we'll see.

Saturday, March 16, 2002

Working II

I'm at work. I'm working. Well, not at this minute cuz I'm taking a lunch. :) I wanna get out and go drive my new car around. It's a little cold in Silcon Valley right now, but it's beautifully sunny. I know, poor me. boo boo. LOL