Thursday, May 08, 2003

X2: X-Men United

Stupid ass title. The movie itself it great. Better than the first. Given the lame title, my expectations were low, but even my picky ass was impressed. It was more than just simply enjoyable. There is a little suspence, but mostly climax. It works for this film. The ending was a bit unexpected. I liked the way they tided the whole basic story of the X-Men together too. Fun story. Now, I can't wait to see Matrix Reloaded!

Monday, May 05, 2003

Infamous Miniature Golf story's the story infamous Miniature Golf story..

This one time, like two years ago, I took Miriam to play Miniature Golf at a Golfland in San Jose. She hadn't been to a Miniature Golf place in aeons. So, we get our clubs, balls, scorecard and pencils, then head to the first tee. Being the gentleman that I am, I let her go first. She bends down by sticking her ass up in the air as usual (this being a family type place, mind you) to put the ball on the black mat. It starts rolling around a bit, but finally she makes it stay in place. While this was going on, I'm watching her out of the corner of my eye, just kinda waiting for her to get her ball to stop rolling around. Getting the ball to stay in place was, of course, a pointless exercise given what she does next.

She swings. I hear a panicked "Oh!" She's looking back at me, embarassed, kinda laughing, kinda wimpering. Then I notice the club is no longer in her hands. I briefly look around for it, confused. Then I realize, she's thrown the club up in the air during her swing! I ask, "Where did you throw the club?" Then I realize further, the club went straight up in the air! Worse yet, it hasn't come down yet! Then, my even more profound realization is that it has now been 5 seconds, from when I was wondering why Miriam was embarassed to this moment (when I realized the club was still up in the air), and the club was still up in the air! I shout at Miriam, "Get out of the way!", while using pure instinct as to where not be when it finally decided to come back down to earth. We both duck and run. I turn around, worried that this magic club (which has now been in the air for over 6 seconds) might land on someone else. To my relief, it tumbles to the ground safely, right on the spot that Miriam and I had just ran away from.

We laughed it off, and were relieved no one got hurt. But to this day, we wonder how the hell this club shot straight up out of her hands into the air far enough to land in the same spot a whole 7 seconds later!

Fun Filled Weekend

Well, I did my online grocery shopping. Forget to use my discount code. Oh well. Really funny is that I accidentally ordered 10 boxes of Kellogg's Frost Flakes. I mean, I love Kellogg's Frost Flakes, but 10 boxes? LOL Anyways, no big cuz the driver just took them back. Got a few items at Farmers Market, so I'll be doing some cooking this week. Prolly tonight.

Had a fun date Saturday evening. Good times. The date was at Scott's in San Jose. Good wine and food there. We ended up in Los Gatos. I don't know the name of the place though.

On Sunday evening, I hung out with Miriam. She's all telling me about this guy. With Miriam, had take out from Frankie, Johnnie and Luigi's mmm

I had a pleasant lunch-date with Chi last week. We both have had busy schedules, and lunch on Thursday was about the only time we could fit in to see each other. It was at this place in Sunnyvale that I always call The Tomato Place, it's call Tomatina's. The way thangs are right now, we prolly won't be able to meet up for another month or so. It's always been kinda like that, and I really don't expect it to change anytime soon.

Friday, May 02, 2003

Ok...after like 2 weeks, Blogspot finally gets my ftp arg...

I haven't been have to publish a blog entry since the 16th of April. A lot has been going on in this time. Been out almost every night, and sometimes squeezing in several points of fun into one evening. Last friday, I saw a movie with Miriam which ended around 6:30, got down for a tgif thang at Acapulco's for a couple hours with some co-workers, then headed up to visit Ronie in San Mateo. It's good to be buzy like this cause it's not a type of buzy where you are buzy just because.

The movie we saw was Anger Management. It was pretty funny, but didn't have a strong story...mostly just skits tied loosely together. Still enjoyable.

I think the next day I'll have some good free time is Sunday, so I'll prolly head down to the Campbell's Farmer's Market to get some stuff I'm in need of. That reminds me that I need to so serious grocery shopping too...time to hit up again. If you sign on for Mypoints, Safeway sends you $10 off codes for online shopping.

I'm getting ready to co-sign for some morgages. ::crossing my fingers:: One is to help out a friend and get the tax benefits. A couple of others are for income property. big moment coming up here.

See...lots of stuff going on...this ain't even the half of it.

Sunday, April 20, 2003

Friday, April 18, 2003

Waiting to Exhale

Just here at my friend Miriam's place, waiting waiting for her to get her*self out of the shower and ready to go out. So her friend Jennifer is here from Florida telling me about this threesome that a "friend" of hers had in a truck on the beach one time. Very interesting. She wants to move here...don't know why. She is not Satan's Spawn though ...she's working for T-Mobile, but she ain't a tellamarketeer. Now she's reading what I'm writing as I'm writing it. Making me think to hard about what to say next. LOL

Going out to Downtown Mountain View tonight. Might have my cuz and her man come out, gots Miriam and Jennifer, and another buddy from work for pool, drinking and shit. Sunday I head out to Reno. The drive should be interesting...hoping to avoid the snow. In Reno, I'm going to get a couple of free vacations from those time-share bums...and have a good time.

Wednesday, April 16, 2003

Today is moving pretty fast.

yeah! blah blah blah

Yesterday errands

Wow I got a lot done yesterday. I took the day (Tax Day) off from work to take care of errands and stuff.

It started off with picking my friend up for her dealership in the morning after she dropped off her new car for due bill work.

Then I got a hair stylist appointment and got my hair taken care of. I then headed down to the Post office (a secret one that is never too busy, even on Tax Day) to mail off my tax returns certified mail.

Then got my passport photo made. I need to find my birth certificate before I can start the process for my passport now...but at least I have this detail taken care of.

Then I picked up my friend from her work to take her back to the dealership to pick up her car. Before the car was ready, we ate a late lunch at Spoons.

After waiting with her for her car at the dealership, I took off to take my shirt from my company's softball team to put numbers on the back just for the hell of it, just so I can be a bit different from everyone else on the team. :)

I got home around 6:00pm just in time to catch the Simpsons in the evening, but too late for softball practice. Our first game is Thursday, but I think I'm ready cuz now I have numbers on the back of my team shirt. j/k

::takes a breath:: ok, back to work today.

Monday, April 14, 2003


Spring Softball is here! Ready for the season to begin in a few days. Our team, the Xperts have been doing pretty good in practice. I know I'm surprizing myself. I don't know...something just clicked. We even got t-shirts with the team name. I'm going to add a couple of thangs to my team a big number and something like the the phrase "We Know!" (cuz of the name Xperts) anyways, should be fun!

I updated the blog and utter stuff

This weekend, I spent a couple of hours updating my blog a little bit. I added some links to the right for reference. I have found that these links have been useful to me at some point, so I share them with the world! :) Also cleaned up some of the site's code. Been having trouble with Blog*Spot Plus since I upgraded, so I'm still not really using it. I'm sure I'll get it sorted out soon enough.

Also spent a few hours at Netopolis playing battlefield 1942. ::zoning:: Lol

Had a good time hanging out with my friend Alice on Sunday. Saw Phone Booth, but missed the Simpsons. oh well. The movie was a fun little short movie that was almost like a simple Twillight Zone movie but with a gun instead of a sci-fi element. Pretty good. Not on my list of movies that will be in my DVD collection though.

Saturday, April 12, 2003

A Haiku of mine, might put more creative works up soon.

My Quiet Warm Heart 
Inside Tired and Resting 
Building Morrow's Strength
Well, I'm working on adding links and stuff to this site...trying to use Blog*spot plus, but running into problems..arg

Thursday, April 10, 2003

Thank God

Ever hear this at a ball game? "I thank God for our win today, without him, it wouldn't be possible." Do they really think God was helping out? I mean, is this like Angels in the Outfield where a bunch of angels got nothing better to do than help a sorry-ass team to cheat in order to win? What is God more worried about, a fleeting little sports event that doesn't even show up as a stat on the books OR your eternal soul? HMM. lol And you never hear this "You know, I was playing flawlessly, in top form in our game today. My teammates where playing at their peaks as well. We lost cuz God wasn't holding up his end." LOL I just wrote this on another blog's comments (backup link) cuz I found the guy had pet perves about most of the words and phrases. I thought it was pretty funny by its own right so I'm adding it here. I even added another couple of words to top it off: BTW, aks my friend about this and she's all "it should count ekspecially in Washington D.C." :Supposably it does," I told her. She looked acrosst at me and asked "What about libarys in nuculur power plants?" "As long as you warsh up afterwards, it should be ok," I replied. She was like all discussed or something and hopped into her jagwire or "jag-YOO-ar" to sound fancy and took off to get some expresso. Irregardless, I think she was wrong, but hey, same difference, right?

Wednesday, April 09, 2003

Trouble with New York Yankees and the lack of some sort of salary cap...

Basically, because the New York Yankees are so heavily funded, they pretty much just buy any great players on opposing teams to keep their stock of great players full and to deplete other teams of those players, thus turning the entire American League into a farm league for their one team. It is hurting baseball. The profit sharing now in effect will help, but it is not the full solution. Players need to be paid based on first senority, then skill as base salary, then paid bonuses based on their actual performance. Free agency would need some adjustments with this sort of system, but it would increase team loyality and allow more teams to benefit from the great players they nuture. blah blah. ok, I'm done ranting about this, prolly forever.

Monday, April 07, 2003

Ok. a newer pic of me...

New Year's Party 2003

Trouble with "Under God" - "In God We Trust"

Well, I believe in god, but I don't believe it has any place in government. Just look at the Middleeast now, and also to the Dark Ages in Europe. Using god to govern leads to oppression cuz it always comes down to a human's individual superstitions being enforced by force over another's views. We have no right to enforce our beliefs on anyone, atheists included, regardless of how small the act is. It’s not even historically part of our heritage to use terms referring to god on money or in the pledge. It is an abomination added by a select few in the 1950's, who's posterity now pretend its been there all along. Those people who don't believe in the god mentioned in the pledge know who they are (atheists or people of non-christian religions), and they know it isn't inclusive of their beliefs. This is the problem with using the god terms in government.

Sunday, April 06, 2003

Trouble with ...oh hell with it

Been pretty busy this week with work in the day and hanging out with friends on various nights. However, I am keeping an eye on the war too. It almost seems like a Wag the Dog meets Monty Python with a flavour of Saturday Night Live. I recommend watching Wag the Dog if you haven't seen it already. It was meant as a critism of Clinton, but it seems even more appropriately applied to Bush II. Monty Python bits would be Saddam himself, with the goofy coke bottle glasses and his opening "graphics" which look like he ripped off directly from the Monty Python show. The Saturday Night Live part is because it looks as though its all supposed to be funny, but ends up being very boring and putting everyone to sleep.

Oh, on to what I've been up to. Having fun. Last night hung out with my friends in downtown Campbell. Turned about to be more fun than I thought, but not cause we were, but cuz we just had a fun time hanging out.

Right now, I'm at a place called "Netopolis" for online gaming. I don't have a working computer at my place anymore, so I do it here or use my work computer off hours at work. It's actually pretty liberating. Instead of spending all my time online, I do random stuff like head out of town on a whim, or take care of business that I'd never bother with. Even though I pay for my time, it's still cheaper than having my own broadband access and computer (like $20 a month verses maybe $60 for computer payments plus $40 for highspeed internet.

Have fun!

Thursday, March 27, 2003

Time to start backing down from spending

I think I've been singlehandedly supporting the U.S. economy in the past few months. LOL Well, time to start saving and looking into investments. Gots some ideas, but I'm not telling. :)

Friday, March 21, 2003

A friend's opinion

What do you think about the war?
"Saddam needs to be killed, but I don't agree with Bush's airheaded method. That's what you get when you have a hotheaded cowboy as Pres."

Thursday, March 20, 2003

Breaking News from the Living Room

Miriam feels like Taco Bell Nachos. She's patting me on the shoulder telling me all about it. Now her head is on my shoulder...rubbing me for some reason. Turtle face now. ok now...the "other" Miriam face. Is this hell? "Shut the fuck up" she she's taking about Taco Bell again. Now she's poking me in the side with her toes. "Why are you ignoring me?" Ok...that's the latest.

Wednesday, March 19, 2003

The trouble with war

This war is intended to make money. Not just from oil, but in the "nation building" to follow. It's good that the USA is finally making a stand to remove Saddam from power in Iraq. It's better that this happen now, and not another 12 years from now. It shudda happened 12 years ago. But now isn't the best time either. The timing is very suspicious. A couple of years from now, when the War on Terrorism is an historical point would have been a better time.

That is all.

Wednesday, March 12, 2003

Trouble with Economy

::shrugs:: Hey, does anyone have a good way to spell the imfamous mumbled "idunno?"

Thursday, January 30, 2003

Tomorrow getting together at Bamboo 7

Looks like a bunch of my friend are heading down to Japantown at Bamboo 7 for kerioki. No, I'm not getting on stage, just there for moral support. lol It anything exciting happens, I'll blog it. :)

Monday, January 20, 2003

Timing is Everything

Today's daily thought "Timing is everything". I know I haven't put any daily thoughts on my blog ever, so I guess it's not so daily, but hey, it's still a thought. :)

In other news, ...hmm,... oh, had fun at the gaming network storefront in Campbell/San Jose. Playing Counterstrike now. Damn that's a fun game. I'm surprized that I'm not that bad at it. Must be some skill leftover from the ol' Doom days, even though that was awhile ago.

Wednesday, January 15, 2003

Hikking, What is it really?

Have you hikked recently? A friend of mine really enjoys Hikking. So what is hikking? Well, just let me just tell you it isn't cheating unless it lands on you, so that would make it hikking. Make sense? hmm...well, here's the site where Hikking is enjoyed. My advice, if you really want to know what hikking is, is to not let life wear you down, wear life like a backpack while you are hikking. ;)

Tuesday, January 14, 2003

Bin sick

This sucks...bin sick for days and days...not the bedridden kinda sick, but the kind where you are wear out and wake up with a sore throat. Just sick enough to make my days long and tedious, but not absolutely mizerable. arg. I'm feeling a bit better today...maybe tomorrow I will wake up feeling myself again. hope.

Thursday, January 02, 2003

Winter vacation holiday thangy...

Spent much of xmas with friends family. It was cool. Nice dinner. I went to Santa Barbara with a couple of friends for the weekend. Sat was ok, but Sunday was great. It was very relaxing. Spent the third night at my parents place. Headed back to San Jose over Mt. Hamilton. That's a fun road to drive. :)

The party was good. Not a rager or anything of course. 9 people, with two sleep-overs. (I finished getting the house cleaned up just in time.) Some friends came up from Monterey County, and my cuzins and their friends came too. It was fun. Caught the fireworks on TV. Only one guy got smashed. lol Then yesterday, I took my cuzin back to my aunt's place and visited with them for awhile.

I'm tired still today...thought about not coming in to work. ::yawn:: But I did. What was I thinking?

Saturday, December 14, 2002

James Bond, Star Trek, ...etc Movie talk

This is the season for movies! Bond: No plot, thin story, but tons of fun eye candy action! Star Trek: Too much story for some people I think. Most people where prolly expecting something along the lines of previous two Star Trek movies. This one was more in line with the Star Trek Next Generation type stories, with meanderering storyline lines and annoying unnecessary character over-development.

Can't wait for Lord of the Rings.

Monday, December 09, 2002

With the death of millions of turkeys around the country last week...

lol I love turkey cooked just right...and the leftovers last and last. :) anyways, life for me right now feels like I'm in a holding pattern, waiting for something, but with nufin to wait for...just need a place to land. Not really a rut or anything. ...just nothing exciting or different going on. Work is work...that doesn't count here, but stuff is going on there. eh, hmm, oh well.

Monday, December 02, 2002

Turkey Weekend?

What did you do for your Turkey Weekend?

I headed out earlier on Thurs taking the southerly route to my parent via
Casa de Fruita. So, yeah, I was heading to 101 on 85 around 9:00am on
Thurs. :) I spend the day over there, then head up to my aunt's place in
Pleasanton the next day. Hung out there for awhile, then went to have
dinner at this place in Oakland with then. After that, I visited a friend
up at the delta near Martinez, slept there and took off around 8:00 for
home. So all that was cool...made my rounds. :) Then bought some dvd
shelving for my new and growing dvd collection. built that good.
(it's just shelving of course). Last night hung out with Miriam and a
friend for awhile. Overall, quite enjoyable and relaxing!

Tuesday, November 26, 2002

PCS/Cell Deadzones

For information on deadzones, you can check out this website. This site lists reported dead zones for cell and pcs services in most metro areas.

Monday, November 25, 2002

Handspring Treo 300 Sprint PCS info

This is a freeform of my thoughts about the Treo and Sprint, so it's not a report, just my experience with my device and its service.

I encounter at least 50% signal strength almost anywhere and 100% near signal tours. Once in awhile I get less than 50%. Since it's PCS, that doesn't affect speech quality all that much...though maybe you'll have sometimes clipping. The only connection problem I encounter is during peak usage, where I'll briefly can't dial out to a phone on another service for a minute or so right around 5:00pm. Actually, i'm not entirely sure this is Sprint's fault since this has happened with only one of my friend's phones using verizon. I don't have any in-service problems at all.

I've used voice calls up the pennisula, in SF, up the East Bay, up 580, 680, 880, 17 (in cover areas), 101, 280 and 85, Los Gatos, West San Jose, Campbell, South San Jose, East San Jose, Cuptertino, Salinas, Monterey, Santa Cruz, Modesto and along I-5. I-5 itself is somewhat spotty. The is no data/internet available in sparse areas along I-5. I haven't tried data/internet useage in Modesto, but pretty much everywhere else. It's about the same speed as current dial-up, and can be faster at times and slower other times. There are breaks in connections sometimes, but you won't notice unless you are on big complex websites for awhile (like roaming around can be frustrating, but checking local movie listings or driving directions is usually problem free.)

I found that the Treo is being treated like a PC in terms of usage and customer service, but like a phone in terms of purchase and replacement.

If you go with the Sprint version, you'll get free unlimited data usage [yes, unlimited internet], but you'll need to install your own internet browser (and SMS add-on software for text messaging if you want to send text messages). (There is an internet browser included which does not recognize JAVA.) The SMS on Sprint phones allows incoming, but not outgoing, so u need add-on software to activate the outgoing ability. Cingular version of the Treo comes with full SMS on board already, but I think they are still charging for all data/internet usage. As far as the internet goes, once you have a JAVA enabled browser, you'll be able to access most of the internet. I haven't seen any Palm OS internet browsers that support Flash5 animations yet.

As for e-mail, you can set it up to directly access your work e-mail under the "Business Connection" option. I don't use this cuz I don't wanna clutter up my PDA with work emails. I also don't download Outlook emails during hotsync'ing, but it's automatic if you set it up that way. I do use a POP3 email account from Yahoo on my PDA for direct access to private emails to that account wirelessly. I haven't encountered any problem with this, other than the fact that the PDA doesn't come with a POP3 account already.

There's software that can allow you to fax documents from you PDA as well, but I gotta wonder who really needs that.

There's a ton of shareware/freeware available for Palm OS which will work on the Treo. I recommend staying away from "Hacks". Everything else works pretty good. When I was experimenting with hacks, i had regular hard and soft crashes. Since I stopped using them, I've had no hard crashed at all, and only rarely have soft crashes. That's pretty good considering I have over 50 applications on my device.

One more note about usage: The phone can handle more than one of certain wireless activities at a time, but it will hiccup if two different incoming events arrive at the same time (such as a phone call and a text message). You can recover pretty quickly though and doesn't even cause a soft crash.

So, to recap, the phone/PDA can voice call, text message, instant message, internet, e-mail and fax. You'll just need to download the software to fully enable certain abilities. And Sprint hasn't had bad service for my particular usage.

Anyways, that's the long and short of it.

Tuesday, November 12, 2002

What's been going on??

Well, just stuff. Nufin too exciting right now, and nufin on my mind. Maybe soon though. la la la

Monday, October 14, 2002

The Transporter

The Transporter Fun filled flick. Dude kicks ass and then more ass, and then more ass! Of course, it's got its ah-come-on moments too, like when Frank hot-wires a Mercades...psst, you can't hot-wire Mercades! lol How the girl got into the Mercades on her own while still being tied up to a chair is beyond me too. Oh, don't fret too much about the sudden custom changes in the middle of the action either. :) Ok, so I had to turn off my brain while watching. But if you can do that to, you'll enjoy it once. I won't be buying the DVD though. My highest honor for a movie is to buy its DVD. If I buy the DVD of your movie, it's like getting two thumbs up from Siskle and Ebert. Siskle is no longer with us, so that's a tall order to fill. :)

Sunday, October 13, 2002

California Election 2002

Here's my planned votes on Props:

Prop 46 Housing and Emergency Shelter Trust Fund Act of 2002.
Yes Needed attention to our social needs.

Prop 47 Kindergarten-University Public Education Facilities Bond Act of 2002.
Yes Needed attention to our Public Education system.

Prop 48 Court Consolidation. Legislative Constitutional Amendment.
Yes Needed update to Constitution.

Prop 49 Before and After School Programs. State Grants. Initiative Statute
No Goes too far to control funding. Reduces flexability of the lawmakers to apply funding to immediate needs.

Prop 50 Water Quality, Supply and Safe Drinking Water Projects. Coastal Wetlands Purchase and Protection. Bonds. Initiative Statute.
No Goes too far to control funding. Too many special interest items for one law.

Prop 51 Transportation. Distribution of Existing Motor Vehicle Sales and Use Tax. Initiative Statute.
No Goes to far to control funding. Reduces flexability of the lawmakers to apply funding to immediate needs.

Prop 52 Election Day Voter Registration. Voter Fraud Penalties. Initiative Statute.
No Creates unnecessary Election day confusion, Making election fraud easy.

My planned votes on State positions: (I'm not listing party affiliation because I'm not affiliated myself and am not taking a canidate's party as an important point)

Governor – This election’s puppet master is Gray Davis.
Gray Davis Fought off the fowl stench of the corroption from White House’s Texan interests. Effective administrator. Raising economic clout of CA on world scene.

Lieutenant Governor – Fairly uninteresting offerings.
Cruz M. Bustamente First elected official to sue Texas energy companies for price-gouging us
Also considering: Kalee Przybylak Balanced social views which may be best adminstrated by the Lt. Gov. office (though not the Gov.’s office itself).

Secretary of State – Most canidates seem infatuated with stamping out voter fraud with little regard for another other issues.
Kevin Shelley Ideas and efforts are most relavent in the voting process and in social issues.

Controller – See there are two L’s in “Controller”! ::Yawn::
Tom McClintock Very aggressive stance on Corporate/Government corruption.

Treasurer – Uninteresting position, but…
Phil Angelides Appears to be the most active of all the canidates in matters of protecting tax dollars and making money for the State.

Attorney General – The only canidate that isn't a radical right or radical left is the incumbant. Scary!
Bill Lockyer The incumbant is doing a good job.

Insurance Commissioner – Interesting position to be on the ballot.
Gary Mendoza Record of taking on HMO’s.
Also considering: John Garamendi First Insurance Comm, with proven record.

Superintendent of Public Instruction – A nonpartisan position.
Katerine H. Smith Seems the more experienced of the Canidates, though her “Moment of Silence” thang is a bit quirky.

Tuesday, October 01, 2002

Yeah, it's been awhile...

I don't have a computer at home anymore...last one died, so I've not had as many opportunities to log on to the internet and update my blog. So here I am. Updates? A few months ago, someone (chop shop) ripped my emblem off my car so now I finally got that fixed. There was layoffs at my work last week. That was a stressful week in general. I got a new toy...Handspring's Treo 300 with SprintPCS phone built in. This toy is more useful than I imagined, and I imagined it being pretty useful. :) I have been waiting for someone to make a combo phone/pda/wireless internet with a color touch screen for years now (literally), and now it's finally here. I love it. SprintPCS services haven't given me any problems. Some say their customer service sux, but I haven't encountered a need for to talk to them yet, so hoping! lol

On the Treo 300, I've loaded Word/Excel clones, games, SMS messaging (SprintPCS doesn't provide outgoing SMS by default so I found a third party software that does the job), programs, contacts from outlook 2000, etc.

So that's pretty much the story for now.

Ok, Sarah, consider yourself mentioned. LOL Just kidding. I hope the best for you and your new b/f. :)

Monday, September 16, 2002

Damn what a weekend

A had a good weekend planned out with various friends. Only problem is that everything fell through, so it ended up sucking. :(

Friday, August 30, 2002

Front Business

I went to a Chinese restaurant with some co-workers for lunch today. It's kinda hidden. The service is completely horrible. No regular napkins at all in the place. When I asked for some, they gave us cocktail napkins with a logo from old restaurant that used to be at that location. The food is so-so. The place itself had limited seating that did no fill the dining area (if you can call it that). The place even had a rather inviting back door to the kitchen area which we mistakenly entered first. The place just had the feel like its primary business was not to be a restaurant. So we started thinking it was a front for a crime syndicate like the Triads. lol

Wednesday, August 28, 2002

Great Presidential Quotes

Dispite any great deeds, here is what they are really remembered for. This is my list, and if you have any suggestions to fill in missing presidents, e-mail me so I can update it.

Truman: "To hell with the Japs!"
Nixon: "I am not a crook!"
Ford: "Oops!" ::thud::
Reagan: "Huh?"
Bush Sr.: "Read my lips, no new taxes!"
Clinton: "I did not have sexual relations with that woman."
Bush Jr. "We must stop these evil-doers."

Thursday, August 22, 2002

Just a report really.

Music in the Park had Stroke 9 last week. I left my yearly company picnic year to get there in time to catch them as your set started. Met up with Steph and Miriam and other friends. I don't let loose and just drink usually, but I wasn't driving and I haven't do it in awhile, so I just drank all I could in the afternoon and evening. Had lots of fun in the downtown San Jose event.

This week, my friend has been having some guy problems, so I've been hanging out with her and she's feeling better now. Today, I'm at work late, but not's a weekly thang for our department called Darts Night. Beer and Pizza! Can't go wrong with that. lol

Thursday, August 15, 2002

Funny, I'm writting about last weekend when this weekend is only a day away. lol

Last weekend, it was good. A friend of mine is heading out today on a 4 month tour with his band. So, last Friday, we had a party at his place to celebrate. Definitely a diverse mix of co-workers, college buddies and friend's friends. Later that night, we ended up at a beach and shot off some big fireworks. Got back around 4:00am. Next stop: Santa Cruz! Met up with some blogger buddies. Hey there Imelda for setting it up. Dave, Jillian and Marcie! Had fun down at the boardwalk, and I kicked ass at Laser Tag. Dang, this makes me wanna go Paintballing again soon. Maybe next month. A friend has a home business and goes to the Farmer's Market around this area to sell her goods. I ran across her at the Campbell market on Sunday, so after I got my shopping done, I helped out for awhile. After that, I just relaxed at home. Oops, no I didn't...well, kinda. I went to the movies to check out the new theater in the Pruneyard Sunday night. Saw The Bourne Identity The theater interested me because a friend and I looked over the sight for a possible business of our own before and I wanted to see what Camera Cinemas did with it. It turned out to be a nice place with a Willow Street Cafe (pizza) in side.

Thursday, August 08, 2002

Two girls, a gay guy and a kerioki bar

My friends Miriam and Steph are having a girls night out and end up a this place called the Bamboo 7 in Japantown. It's kinda dead, so Miriam calls me up to join. Hey thanks! lol anyways, I get there, and Ronie and Mark get there a bit later. Kerioki is particularly bad this night. We end up in a booth in someone else's spot. These two girls and their gay friend. The brunette is cute. She initiates a conversation and flirts with me a little bit. Cool. She's attractive, and we move close, with physical contact. I'm thinking, "Cool". Ok, so she and her two friends go outside for a smoke. Then when they come back, the blonde sits next to me. Right up next to me. She's even more physical, but I wasn't in to her. Of course, I find out the brunette is married, supposedly. huh, figure that out. So this blonde is all up on me now. So, I'm cool with it, but wasn't into her, which doesn't seem to deter her. Anyways, she gets up after a bit and goes to the bar. The gay guy moves up next to me and is trying to touch me casually. lol He's trying to talk me up. He even gets up the nerve to ask if I was gay. I ignored it, but he said, "well?" I'm like, "No, I'm not gay." He quickly retracts as pretends he was talking about something else. kinda funny. So now my friends, who (of course) where noticing all this, have teased me about being hit on by two girlfriends and their gay friend.

Monday, August 05, 2002

Money is tight

Right now, money is tight. Dang it. Well, I'm used to it, and I gots the self-control to deal with it, but still sux. I thought I'd be in better shape by now. I'm just waiting for Friday payday. As long as I don't go crazy, it should be a good starting point to recovering. I'm still a grand in the red on my checking account's reserve cash ($2000 line of credit attached to my checking), but at least cash flow will allow me to pay the big bills coming up without dipping further into debt. I maybe even be able to recover a little bit.

Wednesday, July 31, 2002

Marine World

Fun place. My favorite rides in the area. New shows. Medusa, Roar and Vertical Velocity are great! Didn't have a chance to do everything I wanted to last weekend, so I might have to end up going again.

Tuesday, July 30, 2002

Saw a lady have a heart attack...

Sunday, after a long day at Marine World, my cuzins and friends and I where heading out when this lady had a heart attack right in front of us while her family was waiting for the tram. At first, the women appeared to be trying to sit down, and I've never seen anyone actually having an heart attack, so it didn't register in my head. When she collapsed completely, her family noticed. Forturnately, the staff responded quickly. Now that I've seen what one looks like, I will likely respond much faster if someone has one around me again. I hope the lady is ok.

Monday, July 22, 2002

"I became disillusioned by the delusions"

"I became disillusioned by the delusions" is a great statement made by John Nash (of A Beautiful Mind (backup link) fame, played by Russell Crow) when talking about how he apparently aged out of his schizophrenia. It's a powerful statement that I'd thought I share. Yes, I know schizophrenia is not curable, but there is a small number of people that seem to be able to age out of it. I haven't seen the movie about him yet, but did see a documentary about him where he was interviewed. He has a few quick, power statements. He seems able to sum up quite a lot in a very some number of words. Another great statement is how he likened dealing with his disease to "Putting your mind on a diet". In other news, this weekend ended up being pretty good. Spend some time with a friend in Monterey Friday night and spent Saturday with family in the Modesto area. This statement doesn't quite do this weekend justice, but I can't give every detail about thangs here. :)

Monday, July 08, 2002

Work and Play

Recently, I've been busy with work and play. Not getting online too much. But here I am, with another blog entry. No new news or much to say just yet, but I will, don't worry. LOL